I have no idea what to blog about
I'm not pregnant.
I have not won the lottery.
I have not planned my 5 year long around the world scuba diving trip.
I have not gone to prison or even jail.
I have not got a speeding ticket.
I have not wrecked my car.
So what does one blog about when one has a boring life.
I did drop my earring in the sink and it went down the drain this morning. Pissed me off I wanted to wear that earring today.
I did get pooped on by my baby bird. Did you know Macaws have huge shits and they pretty much cover your back. No...well now you know.
I did open the scuba shop this morning. The owner's mother passed away, and the man who has been running it couldn't make it right at noon. I've been incognito for several months so thought I'd help out.
I do have to leave the scuba shop at 2:15 to go make real money. :-). NO not working as a hooker on the corner but at my real job. Sheesh. My after hours job is stripping and hooking, how many times do I have to tell you people that.
I do have to pee if anyone cares.
I do like Burfica's new side bar on her blog. I just can be bothered to do something with mine. Maybe I should see what fun things I could do if i wanted to.
The scuba elf is suppose to make me a new layout, but of course he hasn't yet. He's been busy with his job.
hmmmmm what else....
Oh last night my partner gets a 911 call from a lady who is screeching at the top of her lungs. Then she starts ranting about sending her husband to the market to get some weanies (hot dogs) and he spent 3 dollars on them. My partner asked her do you have a police, fire or medical emergency. Crazy lady says Whatever it takes to get someone out here. Then she says oh wait there is more. After the 3 dollar weanies he went to McDonalds and got me a hamburger which is rock hard. HE IS DOING THIS TO DRIVE ME CRAZY. Ummm news flash lady to late you are crazy. And yes she demanded to speak to a police officer. I sent the one that had pissed me off. See all you police officers you should never make your dispatcher upset. I'm just saying.
I've been sticking to my eating and work out plan. It seems to be working. I drink a protein shake in the morning, have a morning snack (a muffin, a special kay bar, a few crackers with low fat peanut butter, something like that.) I have a protein shake in the afternoon and a afternoon snack (same as morning snack) Then on work nights I have a lean cuisine dinner. At night if I'm hungry I have another snack.
I've been swimming (around a mile) Been walking on the tread mill (around 2 miles) just started on an elipitical machine at work (have no idea how far) that sucker in 16 minutes is a better work out then 40 minutes on the treadmill.
I've worked out everyday so far this week. yay me!
Okay I'm done boring you.
Happy Thursday everyone.
I have not won the lottery.
I have not planned my 5 year long around the world scuba diving trip.
I have not gone to prison or even jail.
I have not got a speeding ticket.
I have not wrecked my car.
So what does one blog about when one has a boring life.
I did drop my earring in the sink and it went down the drain this morning. Pissed me off I wanted to wear that earring today.
I did get pooped on by my baby bird. Did you know Macaws have huge shits and they pretty much cover your back. No...well now you know.
I did open the scuba shop this morning. The owner's mother passed away, and the man who has been running it couldn't make it right at noon. I've been incognito for several months so thought I'd help out.
I do have to leave the scuba shop at 2:15 to go make real money. :-). NO not working as a hooker on the corner but at my real job. Sheesh. My after hours job is stripping and hooking, how many times do I have to tell you people that.
I do have to pee if anyone cares.
I do like Burfica's new side bar on her blog. I just can be bothered to do something with mine. Maybe I should see what fun things I could do if i wanted to.
The scuba elf is suppose to make me a new layout, but of course he hasn't yet. He's been busy with his job.
hmmmmm what else....
Oh last night my partner gets a 911 call from a lady who is screeching at the top of her lungs. Then she starts ranting about sending her husband to the market to get some weanies (hot dogs) and he spent 3 dollars on them. My partner asked her do you have a police, fire or medical emergency. Crazy lady says Whatever it takes to get someone out here. Then she says oh wait there is more. After the 3 dollar weanies he went to McDonalds and got me a hamburger which is rock hard. HE IS DOING THIS TO DRIVE ME CRAZY. Ummm news flash lady to late you are crazy. And yes she demanded to speak to a police officer. I sent the one that had pissed me off. See all you police officers you should never make your dispatcher upset. I'm just saying.
I've been sticking to my eating and work out plan. It seems to be working. I drink a protein shake in the morning, have a morning snack (a muffin, a special kay bar, a few crackers with low fat peanut butter, something like that.) I have a protein shake in the afternoon and a afternoon snack (same as morning snack) Then on work nights I have a lean cuisine dinner. At night if I'm hungry I have another snack.
I've been swimming (around a mile) Been walking on the tread mill (around 2 miles) just started on an elipitical machine at work (have no idea how far) that sucker in 16 minutes is a better work out then 40 minutes on the treadmill.
I've worked out everyday so far this week. yay me!
Okay I'm done boring you.
Happy Thursday everyone.
At 10:49 AM,
Burfica said…
I keep telling you I could mess with your blog, but you might not like it when I'm done.
And good news, I have to pee too. So I'm gonna go do that. hahahahaha
At 11:29 AM,
Christine said…
So glad I stopped by so I can feel guilty about doing no exercise and eating everything that I can find, cook or catch...
Keep up the good work.
At 11:47 AM,
Biddie said…
Yay for working out!
I would get so damn tired of listening to crazy ass weenie ladys. How do you deal with the crazies???
At 11:59 AM,
mandy said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm new to this whole blogging thing =)
Yay for working out everyday this week! I actually didn't make it to my spin class last night after all...HA! Talked myself right out of it! I'll do better next week! Oh, and I had to laugh about the woman calling 911 because of 3 dollar weanies and a hard hamburger :D Sounds like she's a few clowns short of a circus!
At 7:47 PM,
~Just Me Miranda~ said…
Whats wrong with you girl? No jail? No speeding ticket? Lol...live on the wild side.
Lol like I should talk.
At 8:01 AM,
Tim said…
hmm, so I'm allowed to call 911 if my wife overcooks dinner? sweet.
At 9:09 AM,
Alekx said…
Burf---uh huh so you'd mess it all up then I'd be stuck rebuilding. hahaha
I have to more than pee now
Christine -- that's what I'm here for the massive guilt trips.
Biddie -- Everytime a crazy person calls I think job security, job security, job security.
m.j. -- hope you'll stalk by here from time to time. Now get your ass to spin class woman
Miranda -- yah I lead a pretty boring routine life. (most days)
Tim -- there is such a thing call 9-1-1 abuse, but I think the wife kicking your ass will be worse.
At 12:20 PM,
Libby said…
yay, you!! but, other than working out, you're right! your life IS boring! lol!
At 7:23 PM,
CrystalChick said…
Sheesh, everyone is on a good diet and doing so well and I'm just sitting here thinking about all I need to do to feel better.....
and I've been on a soft pretzel kick for the last week. Okay, two weeks. Well, more like three.
Even when you don't have anything to say, you have funny things to say. You and your sissy have a great sense of humor.
Happy weekend. :)
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