Bummer and Other items
Well I was off on Saturday Morning to visit my sister Burfica in Arizona. We had all been watching the weather intently and it seems other then some slight chances of snow and mostly rain on the entire trip It was gonna be okay. So I get up at 4 in the morning..On the road by 5 after getting my coffee at the local convince store. The first thing that happens is Mapquest was wrong and I got lost. After a half an hour of failing around and many bad words and beating on the steering wheel, I finally got onto the correct highway and was underway. Now I'm on this highway with the speed limit of 70, not bad as I push it up to just under 75 (flirting with disaster after the 125 dollar ticket)
There is like me and 4 semi's all going the same direction on the road. Suddenly out of nowhere looms this little po-duct town that looks like something out of a Stephen King Novel or from the Texas Chain Saw Masaquere, there is not a living soul in this town to be seen at this hour of the morning and certainly no cross traffic. There happen to be 2 stoplights in this burg and guess what...I hit both of them red. This continues to happen for like 8 to 10 other towns along this streach of road. WTF....I got every red light in these little towns and there was ZERO traffic in every one of them.
I'm finally into 6 hours of my trip and arrive at Amirillo Texas, where the news says it's begining to snow and by night fall there should be 6 inchs of snow. I'm thinking to myself well it's 11 am and it's all mushy and just wet so I'll grab some gas more coffee and should be able to make it to New Mexico away from the storm before the snow is sticking. Not 5 minutes out of the gas station on I-40 and the road is covered with snow and people are sliding around. I continue on for aother 20 minutes hoping for a break but it gets worse and worse so finally I had to abort the trip and turn around and go home, a good thing I did cuz the storm was worse then thought, even if I grabbed a motel to wait it out for the day it's still snowing so I'd still be stuck. Don't you know I hit every RED light again on the way home. I'm really bummed I missed my trip but I guess if I got dead I'd miss many more trips.
Kitten asked where my favorite places to dive are. My honest answer is anywhere I can get in the water. The local mud holes around here, lakes and the ocean. I listen to all these divers saying I won't get in a lake. I'm like well what ever but I'm gonna dive. There are fasinating things to be found in lakes and quarrys if you just take your time and look. Besides you can go to lakes and such and really work on your skills so that when you go to the Ocean you aren't bobbing around like a cork and all nervous and you can just enjoy the abudence of the sea life around you AND the people with more experience don't have to be chasing you as you shoot to the surface because you can't keep your buyoancy under control.
A couple of my favorite dives
Cozumel: Seeing an entire Sea Urchin colony, there were like 200 sea Urchins all grouped together on the ocean floor and there were little baby lobsters living within the colony that was prety awesome. On that same dive there was a HUGE green Morey eel out free swimming and it swam right under me and I was able to touch it from head to tail as it swam by.
Bahamas: Diving with Caribean Reef Sharks. That ranks up there with my all time bestest dive ever.
Places I want to GO. EVERYWHERE...but in the near future...Cozumel (we try to get there 2 to 4 times a year if not more anyway), Tahiti, Hondurus, Caymen and Hawaii. I can continue on with the list for pages but I'll stop for now.
Favorite Live A-board: Juliet Sailing and Diving...great crew, great diving, great experience. We have don't the Bahamas with them and hopefully in 2005 or early 2006 will do Turks and Cacos with them.
Least Favorite live aboard...Nekton cruises. The boat is great, the crew is great, the itenery is okay, but I was divng steel tanks with them, both my hubby and I were, and when we got home our regulators were full of rust. I checked our steel tanks to see if ours had rust and they did not so the only other place was their boat. So I called to let them know and was treated like I was an idiot. Whatever they will get sued sooner or later for someone getting hurt from that. I won't dive them again.
On that note..I've probably board everyone long enough.
later kids
I'll try to post some underwater photos later if I actually study this and figure out how to. :-)
as well as doing links...feel free to post my blog on your sites if you wish.
Well I was off on Saturday Morning to visit my sister Burfica in Arizona. We had all been watching the weather intently and it seems other then some slight chances of snow and mostly rain on the entire trip It was gonna be okay. So I get up at 4 in the morning..On the road by 5 after getting my coffee at the local convince store. The first thing that happens is Mapquest was wrong and I got lost. After a half an hour of failing around and many bad words and beating on the steering wheel, I finally got onto the correct highway and was underway. Now I'm on this highway with the speed limit of 70, not bad as I push it up to just under 75 (flirting with disaster after the 125 dollar ticket)
There is like me and 4 semi's all going the same direction on the road. Suddenly out of nowhere looms this little po-duct town that looks like something out of a Stephen King Novel or from the Texas Chain Saw Masaquere, there is not a living soul in this town to be seen at this hour of the morning and certainly no cross traffic. There happen to be 2 stoplights in this burg and guess what...I hit both of them red. This continues to happen for like 8 to 10 other towns along this streach of road. WTF....I got every red light in these little towns and there was ZERO traffic in every one of them.
I'm finally into 6 hours of my trip and arrive at Amirillo Texas, where the news says it's begining to snow and by night fall there should be 6 inchs of snow. I'm thinking to myself well it's 11 am and it's all mushy and just wet so I'll grab some gas more coffee and should be able to make it to New Mexico away from the storm before the snow is sticking. Not 5 minutes out of the gas station on I-40 and the road is covered with snow and people are sliding around. I continue on for aother 20 minutes hoping for a break but it gets worse and worse so finally I had to abort the trip and turn around and go home, a good thing I did cuz the storm was worse then thought, even if I grabbed a motel to wait it out for the day it's still snowing so I'd still be stuck. Don't you know I hit every RED light again on the way home. I'm really bummed I missed my trip but I guess if I got dead I'd miss many more trips.
Kitten asked where my favorite places to dive are. My honest answer is anywhere I can get in the water. The local mud holes around here, lakes and the ocean. I listen to all these divers saying I won't get in a lake. I'm like well what ever but I'm gonna dive. There are fasinating things to be found in lakes and quarrys if you just take your time and look. Besides you can go to lakes and such and really work on your skills so that when you go to the Ocean you aren't bobbing around like a cork and all nervous and you can just enjoy the abudence of the sea life around you AND the people with more experience don't have to be chasing you as you shoot to the surface because you can't keep your buyoancy under control.
A couple of my favorite dives
Cozumel: Seeing an entire Sea Urchin colony, there were like 200 sea Urchins all grouped together on the ocean floor and there were little baby lobsters living within the colony that was prety awesome. On that same dive there was a HUGE green Morey eel out free swimming and it swam right under me and I was able to touch it from head to tail as it swam by.
Bahamas: Diving with Caribean Reef Sharks. That ranks up there with my all time bestest dive ever.
Places I want to GO. EVERYWHERE...but in the near future...Cozumel (we try to get there 2 to 4 times a year if not more anyway), Tahiti, Hondurus, Caymen and Hawaii. I can continue on with the list for pages but I'll stop for now.
Favorite Live A-board: Juliet Sailing and Diving...great crew, great diving, great experience. We have don't the Bahamas with them and hopefully in 2005 or early 2006 will do Turks and Cacos with them.
Least Favorite live aboard...Nekton cruises. The boat is great, the crew is great, the itenery is okay, but I was divng steel tanks with them, both my hubby and I were, and when we got home our regulators were full of rust. I checked our steel tanks to see if ours had rust and they did not so the only other place was their boat. So I called to let them know and was treated like I was an idiot. Whatever they will get sued sooner or later for someone getting hurt from that. I won't dive them again.
On that note..I've probably board everyone long enough.
later kids
I'll try to post some underwater photos later if I actually study this and figure out how to. :-)
as well as doing links...feel free to post my blog on your sites if you wish.
At 10:10 AM,
Burfica said…
all I can say is whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and Christmas baby, that's an order from your sis, bro and nephew. hehehehehe
At 10:21 AM,
kitten said…
SO frikkin cool. Ive been to the reef park in Cozumel...beautiful. Met a nice barracuda in Cayman.
Sorry about you trip. They have snow in Texas?? Lol...just kiddin, my sister lived in Austin and used to regale us with tales of accidents in 1/2 deep dustings!
At 10:19 AM,
ThreeOliveMartini said…
i didn t think it snowed in texas either and had a friend not emailed me a pic.. i would have said you just didnt wanna go .. LOL
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