Friday Freaks
Boy has it been a busy couple of days. My last post I was up late...well up late turned into up very early...I didn't fall asleep until 4:45 in the morning and had to be up at 8:30. Let me tell you when I don't get enough sleep I am the world's biggest bitch. And boy was I bitchy on all day Wednesday. I couldn't even stand my own damn company, and that is saying a lot because I am my own biggest fan.
Unfortunatly I was correct about the man who owns the scuba shop. He has been a Sr. Vice President at the company he works for over the last 18 years, goes into work on Monday, and that evening they told him that they were changing around the Vice Presidents as the new CEO of personal wanted a change and his services were no longer needed. What bastards. I'm glad I stayed around for the day with him. Poor man has had a very awful year and really needed a friend that day.
So here it is Friday...yayyyyyyyy, however I don't have normal weeks owning my own business and am booked up with Jewelry shows non-stop for the Christmas season. I had a show last night got home late..after unwinding it was rather late when I get in bed so I'm trying to sleep in this morning, and the phone rings. I of course answer it, figuring it was my handsome hubby saying hello or Burfica giving me an obsene phone call or should that be vice versa, but no it's a telemarketer. WTF I'm on the no call list.
I try to be polite to the person on the other end of the phone as they are usually just someone that is trying to earn a living, so this morning I nicely cut him off in mid sentance, something about time shares or something...and told him, I know you are doing your job and I respect that however I am on the no call list and would like for you to have my number removed from all call lists associated with YOUR company and the company you are making the calls for. This little F**$ing moron goes well okay mame but let me tell you about blah blah blah...I once again nicely told him to have my numbers removed and he started his blah blah blah again...Now I've become the raging hydra who's heads are multiplying at an alarming rate. I make the very loud snorting sound that you hear in most horror movies. My head begins to spin at a frantic rate around on my shoulders....and I swear I climbed through the phone to rip of this fellas head and use his skull for sex. Holy dense can they be. I blew my stack at this guy big time. Now I'm all wore out and need a nap. Grrrrrrrrrr
My Doctors office called and told me I'm not dying or anything. That's always a good sign...but I did figure I was breathing, the heart was beating so things couldn't be to bad. He doesn't think I have another hernia, so that is also good but he told me my bowels were spasming..I'm thinking to myself if that's happening doesn't it just mean you have to go poop...but apparelty it's something he's not seen in someone else (go figure me the over acheiver has something WEIRD) so anyway I'll be on medication awhile to see if that helps me not feel like or actually hurling everything that goes in my mouth. I'm so happy I can share all these visuals with my new family...hehehehehe
WTF is it with the cops in my city and there is a little fender bender...the car can move under it's own power...and be moved out of the main flow of traffic, but the wonderful men in blue (and I do have the upmost respect for police) but these guys have to stand around during RUSH hour with all lanes blocked waiting for a damn wrecker when all they have to do is move the car 5 feet under it's own power into a turn lane opening up the main flow of traffic. BUT noooooooo they wait for the wrecker...2 frigging hours to get 8 miles. Sighhhh maybe I'm tired and bitchy again.
Unfortunatly I was correct about the man who owns the scuba shop. He has been a Sr. Vice President at the company he works for over the last 18 years, goes into work on Monday, and that evening they told him that they were changing around the Vice Presidents as the new CEO of personal wanted a change and his services were no longer needed. What bastards. I'm glad I stayed around for the day with him. Poor man has had a very awful year and really needed a friend that day.
So here it is Friday...yayyyyyyyy, however I don't have normal weeks owning my own business and am booked up with Jewelry shows non-stop for the Christmas season. I had a show last night got home late..after unwinding it was rather late when I get in bed so I'm trying to sleep in this morning, and the phone rings. I of course answer it, figuring it was my handsome hubby saying hello or Burfica giving me an obsene phone call or should that be vice versa, but no it's a telemarketer. WTF I'm on the no call list.
I try to be polite to the person on the other end of the phone as they are usually just someone that is trying to earn a living, so this morning I nicely cut him off in mid sentance, something about time shares or something...and told him, I know you are doing your job and I respect that however I am on the no call list and would like for you to have my number removed from all call lists associated with YOUR company and the company you are making the calls for. This little F**$ing moron goes well okay mame but let me tell you about blah blah blah...I once again nicely told him to have my numbers removed and he started his blah blah blah again...Now I've become the raging hydra who's heads are multiplying at an alarming rate. I make the very loud snorting sound that you hear in most horror movies. My head begins to spin at a frantic rate around on my shoulders....and I swear I climbed through the phone to rip of this fellas head and use his skull for sex. Holy dense can they be. I blew my stack at this guy big time. Now I'm all wore out and need a nap. Grrrrrrrrrr
My Doctors office called and told me I'm not dying or anything. That's always a good sign...but I did figure I was breathing, the heart was beating so things couldn't be to bad. He doesn't think I have another hernia, so that is also good but he told me my bowels were spasming..I'm thinking to myself if that's happening doesn't it just mean you have to go poop...but apparelty it's something he's not seen in someone else (go figure me the over acheiver has something WEIRD) so anyway I'll be on medication awhile to see if that helps me not feel like or actually hurling everything that goes in my mouth. I'm so happy I can share all these visuals with my new family...hehehehehe
WTF is it with the cops in my city and there is a little fender bender...the car can move under it's own power...and be moved out of the main flow of traffic, but the wonderful men in blue (and I do have the upmost respect for police) but these guys have to stand around during RUSH hour with all lanes blocked waiting for a damn wrecker when all they have to do is move the car 5 feet under it's own power into a turn lane opening up the main flow of traffic. BUT noooooooo they wait for the wrecker...2 frigging hours to get 8 miles. Sighhhh maybe I'm tired and bitchy again.
At 11:23 AM,
Baron von Stencil said…
Thanks for your comments on my blog, that and the words from kitten have rejuvenated me, now i only feel like im in my late 60's, thankyou.
Having been the Antichrist and Legion myself on Thursday i sympathise and empathise(?)with your raging anger.Poor telemarketeer hah i've done that job, i walked out 15 minutes after starting and would rather eat wasps then return to it, so my sympathies, once again, lie with you.
Bowel Spasm is an excellant band name,but an obviously messy affliction(another great name)i hope you feel better soon .Love vibes coming your way......
At 11:28 AM,
Baron von Stencil said…
Sympathies to your ex Sr Vice Pres what a kick in the Hampstead Heath (london slang for teeth)or Hampsteads as we call them.special vibes going his way too...
At 11:42 AM,
kitten said…
Im glad your not dying too!
You sound like the kind of person who should be her own boss. Maybe someday you will open your own little dive shop in Cozumel..... ( of course, then I will HAVE to learn) and come visit you. not nessisarily in that order. he he
How long has it been since the surgery? Im sorry to hear your still having bumps along the road.
Hope your feeling better, Alekx.
luv ya!
At 3:47 PM,
Burfica said…
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy your back. Lets hope the bitchies leave you soon. (I go hide under the covers when big sis is bitchy) I see you commenting on everyone's blogs but mine (sniffle) my sissy no love me anymore whhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
At 7:34 PM,
ThreeOliveMartini said…
wow... your bitchiness leaves? mine stays around in varying degrees all the time .. damn the luck.. and yes in reply to you rcomment on my blog.. manny and I do need to get together and have a little wine buzz.. so i can learn more tagalog .. LOL
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