Monday Morning
I'm sitting at the scuba shop just staring at the walls. We are normally closed on Monday but me and the owner in our infinate wisdom figure if we are going to be closed on Thanksgiving, might as well open today for the business. Well I don't get it. Just because it's down pouring rain nobody is coming in. This is a friggin water sport after all. I don't get it. I should have sold at least 3 thousand dollars worth of stuff so far.
I was chatting with Burfica this morning, since Giagantor seems to be so funny, I was telling her man the house elf I married isn't quite that amuzing. I guess because I live with him the antics don't seem that funny. She told me a couple things I should write about. So I shall.
The man has this thing about smelling EVERYTHING. When I say everything I do mean everything. If he doesn't know what it is, he'll pick it up and smell it. Off the ground, in other peoples homes, at the stores, from the bathroom. See I mean everything from anywhere he finds it. This has led to some of the funniest faces I've ever seen. The other day he was in the backyard doing some yardwork, Keep in mind we do have the two very large dogs that the back yard is their domain. So my little elf gets done with the yardwork and like a good hobbit he takes his shoes off before coming into the house. He looks at his shoes finds something he can't identify on the bottom sniffs it then gets this look almost like oh god I'm constipated across his face then looks at me and says Hunni....this smells like shit...I just had to walk away figuring that's probably what it was.
We were in Arizona visiting Burfica, Gigantor and the kiddo, when Gigantor and the hobbit were doing something, and of course the hobbit finds something he can't identify and picks it up and smells it, Gigantor then tells him it could be some sort of animal poop, so to verify this the hobbit then feels the need to taste it. This is after he has picked up every toy, every color of Playdoh and all the slimy stuff from my nephew's toy box and sniffed and tasted it. Then he gets this hurt look on his face when I refuse to kiss him. NOOOOOOOOOOOO.....he doesn't get a kiss ever until he's been in the bathroom, brushing, flossing and gargling for at least 12 minutes.
The other night we were sitting and watching some TV which is a rareity for us, but I look over to see this cute little man rooting around in his nose, as all of our cute little men no matter the age seems to like doing. They of course after rooting around have to examine their finds as if it were gold. I just don't get it. Well after examining his find he calls the dog over and FEEDS the dog what he has mined from his left nostril. I begin to have spasms yelling at him, what the hell are you doing..DO not feed the dog your boogers. He then gets this very innocent look on his face and looks me dead in the eye and goes but look hunni, he likes it. **shaking head*** how can one possibly argue with that logic.
That has to be right up there with things you just gotta ignore to have a good, healthy and happy marriage...
Poor dog
I was chatting with Burfica this morning, since Giagantor seems to be so funny, I was telling her man the house elf I married isn't quite that amuzing. I guess because I live with him the antics don't seem that funny. She told me a couple things I should write about. So I shall.
The man has this thing about smelling EVERYTHING. When I say everything I do mean everything. If he doesn't know what it is, he'll pick it up and smell it. Off the ground, in other peoples homes, at the stores, from the bathroom. See I mean everything from anywhere he finds it. This has led to some of the funniest faces I've ever seen. The other day he was in the backyard doing some yardwork, Keep in mind we do have the two very large dogs that the back yard is their domain. So my little elf gets done with the yardwork and like a good hobbit he takes his shoes off before coming into the house. He looks at his shoes finds something he can't identify on the bottom sniffs it then gets this look almost like oh god I'm constipated across his face then looks at me and says Hunni....this smells like shit...I just had to walk away figuring that's probably what it was.
We were in Arizona visiting Burfica, Gigantor and the kiddo, when Gigantor and the hobbit were doing something, and of course the hobbit finds something he can't identify and picks it up and smells it, Gigantor then tells him it could be some sort of animal poop, so to verify this the hobbit then feels the need to taste it. This is after he has picked up every toy, every color of Playdoh and all the slimy stuff from my nephew's toy box and sniffed and tasted it. Then he gets this hurt look on his face when I refuse to kiss him. NOOOOOOOOOOOO.....he doesn't get a kiss ever until he's been in the bathroom, brushing, flossing and gargling for at least 12 minutes.
The other night we were sitting and watching some TV which is a rareity for us, but I look over to see this cute little man rooting around in his nose, as all of our cute little men no matter the age seems to like doing. They of course after rooting around have to examine their finds as if it were gold. I just don't get it. Well after examining his find he calls the dog over and FEEDS the dog what he has mined from his left nostril. I begin to have spasms yelling at him, what the hell are you doing..DO not feed the dog your boogers. He then gets this very innocent look on his face and looks me dead in the eye and goes but look hunni, he likes it. **shaking head*** how can one possibly argue with that logic.
That has to be right up there with things you just gotta ignore to have a good, healthy and happy marriage...
Poor dog
At 12:38 PM,
Burfica said…
OMG OMG OMG okay wait, have to pee now.
Okay back. That was funny as hell. Then I remembered I'm related to you both. Ummmmm no wonder now huh??
At 12:59 PM,
Alekx said…
My family is seriously disturbed but I'm sure everyone has figured that out by now
At 3:14 PM,
Burfica said…
what choo talkin about Willis????
At 4:19 PM,
kitten said…
Well, Alekx, these are the same creatures who lick their own buttsand eat out of cat boxes. (Hey, Tootsie Rolls!!!!) Can boogers REALLY be all that bad? . For the dog I mean..the thats an entirely different story......
At 7:05 PM,
ThreeOliveMartini said…
i am with Kitten .. i would rather have Brutus the turd burglar eat boogers than cat shit (we call them tootsie rolls too ) i am still laughing at the "he likes it" part .. LOL
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