Points to ponder
Okay this is a list from one on my Dive Masters at the Shop I think I'm the boss of..Just some things to ponder
- If you are driving along at the speed of light and turn on your headlights (yes my dears it is dark out)...Would you see anything???
- If you drive at the speed of light and turn on your headlights, and then speed up even faster, would you see your headlights in the rear-view mirror???
- You are driving along at 5 miles an hour and cross the railroad tracks you hear thump...........thump you cross them at 80 miles of hour you get thump...thump...how fast do you have to go in order to only hear one thump?
- Why do the people with the plastic Jesus have it looking at them and not at the road. Shouldn't Jesus be telling you where to go on the road?
- How many licks does it take to get to the tootise roll center of a tootsie pop (sorry I digress)
- Can God Make a rock so heavy your can't pick it up, and if so why?
- How is it that a 3 year old can get a quarter all the way up their left nostril? And why is they they feel the need to stick anything up their nose?
- Why is Stevie Ray Vaughn Dead and 2 of the Bee Gee's still alive?
At 3:35 PM,
Burfica said…
3 it takes 3 licks to get to the center of a tootsie pop. Ask the owl.
OMG I just showed my age.
Going to hide now
At 6:09 AM,
ThreeOliveMartini said…
girlll.. you crack me up.. if you really need better things to do with your time .. i think i can hook you up with a hobby or something
At 4:59 AM,
kitten said…
You gotta love the BeeGees early stuff..."How do you mend a broken heart" and such....but they oozed into the whole disco era like everyone else. Left there I think. I loved stevie even though I couldnt pick him out in a line up..damn hat!
Perhaps we should submit your driving questions to Stephen Hawking. I mail him......
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