Parking Lots
You all! I didn't know that a person could vibrate so hard that it would register on a sysmic meter.
Now I know you all know exactally how much I adore the Walmart parking lot **cough cough sputter I'm going to hell for telling lies like this** Well I found a parking lot just as exciting as Walmart. That would be the one over by the Ross Discount store. You know the one where you can get fairly nice cloths for pretty cheap prices.
Before I go on here..I need to make a note that I respect all you Mothers out there..Not as in Mother F8&%#$^ers but as in moms. Just because I've choosen not to procreate my wonderful goddess like genes doesn't mean that I don't adore and respect you and the huge job you have of motherhood.
Okay, with that said
Don't yell at me
Cuz I'm fragile and stuff
Just don't yell,
I have an Ambien headache
Soooooooo what is it about mothers and discount store parking know like Walmart, Ross, Dollar stores, that tend to make them let their children run pell mell and hell bent for leather. Darting in and out of parked vehicles, running in front of and behind moving vehicles.
I'm at the Ross store picking out ever so lovely moo moo's (oh shut up that's what they are called) for my mom and as I come out and start toward my Durango, there is this mother letting her 3 foot nothing kids run all over the parking lot not paying any attention to them what-so-ever, and a car is backing out and almost takes out one of this little monsters. The mom now grabs her kid hugging him to her protectively as if she is mother of the year and never lets this little hellion more than 8 inches from her side and begins to scream at the driver to watch were the F*#^K she's going blah blah blah..
Apparently I was having a moment
Or a Day
Or a Year
Or a something
I just couldn't keep my mouth shut so I walk over to mom of the year and told her when the hell is it our responsibilty to safe guard your child you stupid idiot. It's a damn parking lot, people are pulling in and out of parking places. She shouldn't have let her childern, who are too small to be seen over the bumper of a car much less out of the back window or rearview mirrors, be running around without supervison.
You all
This woman began to vibrate...I swear I thought I was going to see a blood vessel pop out of her forehead, kind of like the "Alien" monster comes mock 2 out of the vicitem's chest cavity. She turned all red and started sputtering that and this is and I quote. "This is my precious child and that woman almost ran him over" At which point I crossed my arms over my chest and let her finish vibrating (it had to be a 3.5 on the ricter scale I'm telling you) and finish drooling and blubbering. Then calmly told her..Lady you choose to have off spring..I didn't have kids. It is not my or this ladies responsiblity to get our of our car in a parking lot to make sure your child who isn't being supervised isn't back there. If your child is so precious to you then maybe you should PHUCKING watch your kid. Then I calmly walked off and got in my car and left as did the orginal lady who was getting yelled at by mom of the year.
Again let me say I adore parents and I respect moms and the job they have and do daily...however remember watch your kiddos in a parking lot cuz I can't see em outta my back window.
Happy Friday
Now I know you all know exactally how much I adore the Walmart parking lot **cough cough sputter I'm going to hell for telling lies like this** Well I found a parking lot just as exciting as Walmart. That would be the one over by the Ross Discount store. You know the one where you can get fairly nice cloths for pretty cheap prices.
Before I go on here..I need to make a note that I respect all you Mothers out there..Not as in Mother F8&%#$^ers but as in moms. Just because I've choosen not to procreate my wonderful goddess like genes doesn't mean that I don't adore and respect you and the huge job you have of motherhood.
Okay, with that said
Don't yell at me
Cuz I'm fragile and stuff
Just don't yell,
I have an Ambien headache
Soooooooo what is it about mothers and discount store parking know like Walmart, Ross, Dollar stores, that tend to make them let their children run pell mell and hell bent for leather. Darting in and out of parked vehicles, running in front of and behind moving vehicles.
I'm at the Ross store picking out ever so lovely moo moo's (oh shut up that's what they are called) for my mom and as I come out and start toward my Durango, there is this mother letting her 3 foot nothing kids run all over the parking lot not paying any attention to them what-so-ever, and a car is backing out and almost takes out one of this little monsters. The mom now grabs her kid hugging him to her protectively as if she is mother of the year and never lets this little hellion more than 8 inches from her side and begins to scream at the driver to watch were the F*#^K she's going blah blah blah..
Apparently I was having a moment
Or a Day
Or a Year
Or a something
I just couldn't keep my mouth shut so I walk over to mom of the year and told her when the hell is it our responsibilty to safe guard your child you stupid idiot. It's a damn parking lot, people are pulling in and out of parking places. She shouldn't have let her childern, who are too small to be seen over the bumper of a car much less out of the back window or rearview mirrors, be running around without supervison.
You all
This woman began to vibrate...I swear I thought I was going to see a blood vessel pop out of her forehead, kind of like the "Alien" monster comes mock 2 out of the vicitem's chest cavity. She turned all red and started sputtering that and this is and I quote. "This is my precious child and that woman almost ran him over" At which point I crossed my arms over my chest and let her finish vibrating (it had to be a 3.5 on the ricter scale I'm telling you) and finish drooling and blubbering. Then calmly told her..Lady you choose to have off spring..I didn't have kids. It is not my or this ladies responsiblity to get our of our car in a parking lot to make sure your child who isn't being supervised isn't back there. If your child is so precious to you then maybe you should PHUCKING watch your kid. Then I calmly walked off and got in my car and left as did the orginal lady who was getting yelled at by mom of the year.
Again let me say I adore parents and I respect moms and the job they have and do daily...however remember watch your kiddos in a parking lot cuz I can't see em outta my back window.
Happy Friday
At 11:43 AM,
ThreeOliveMartini said…
i think you were channelling me !!
i have said those "almost" exact words several times in my life about kids running rampant
At 7:05 AM,
Julie said…
as mastercard would say 'PRICELESS'
Good for you!
At 1:57 PM,
MomThatsNuts said…
Parking lots as PLAYGROUNDS?? wow why didn't I think of that?
At 7:11 PM,
Azathoth100 said…
Heh. I agree, but I think you might get some feedback from mothers. Personally I've always felt that if someone runs in front of my car while I'm driving then I consider that a suicide. Of course, if I'm walking I always say that if someone hits me at my size and wight I'll probably do more damage to thier plastic car than they will to me. I guess in my mind I just always have the right of way.
Oh, and I do miss you sweetie.
At 9:37 AM,
BM, The Necessary Movement said…
Once I gave myself nerve damage for two days because I drank this coffee thing called a 747!!! It was 7 shots of espresso!! They made me sign a real wavier before they handed me over my drink!!! I am not kidding it was crazy!! I drank ¾ of my 747 and I couldn’t sleep forever. I was sleeping next to a girlfriend and I was shaking like I was one of those coin feed vibrating beds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
I couldn’t sleep for two days!!!
That is my nerve damage story!!
At 9:52 AM,
Burfica said…
I'm a mom and I don't let my kid do that. I get all pissy at other parents that do. If your gonna have them you need to take responsibility for them.
Oh I'm back by the way. hehehee
At 8:19 PM,
Unknown said…
hey...that thing got a hemi in it?
At 8:49 PM,
Dorko said…
Some people get so mad they actually "Quake" at the truth. :) Barky-Bark!
Wishing I would have been there with you... I could use a colorful MOO-MOO to go gardening in.
[I don't think naked would be good this close to the Highway...]
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