Tidbits or ravings of a physopath
....with me I think it's all pretty much the same. It's either little fun tidbits or I'm raving...what do you all think? Oh nevermind I'm just leaving myself open for all kinds of comments and I can hear Burfica, Kitten, Chicken and Mom that's nuts hands rubbign together getting ready to comment on that.
So anyway, where to start...oh a few weeks ago Mom (my mom not the mom that's nuts though my real mom is nuts...DOH did I say that outloud) okay I'm digressing...anway we get this letter from AZ unemployment saying that our mom owes them almost 2 thousand dollars, so being the great daughter that I am send them back a very nice letter saying hey she's in a nursing home and in hospice care and has 0 income as the state is taking her disability check so there is no money to pay you. These morons send me another letter and form saying they need a doctor to sign saying that she is disabled and can't work. hmmmmmmm WHAT THE FUCK part of disabled, nursing home, hospice and DYING sounds like she is going to be able to return to work. I swear to all that's holy and rightous this bueratic BS is going to drive me back to my favorite nyquil, percot and tequilla milkshakes just to get through this. I'm really hoping that when I worked for the government that I didn't seem to be as stupid as some of these employees nowdays seem to be. ARUUUGGGHHHHHH
The scuba season is starting into full swing and we have students crawling all over the place. On Monday I found out something rather important. When you are working as a divemaster assisting the instructor in the pool and one of you students is snorkling from the shallow end to the deep end and you hear glug glug gluggg this is not a good sign. One of the students we'll call him Curley after the 3 stooges (this is a full grown man and a Doctor no less) when called by the instructor to snorkle to the deep end. This is a basic skill that we all learn. So this student airs up his BCD (this is what keeps you afloat on the surface) puts his snorkle in his mouth and takes off. I'm watching the other students in the shallow end, and for some unknown reason Curley deceides this is a good time to dump all of the air out of the BCD. Okay folks, maybe it's just me but does it seem like a good idea to let all of the air out of the device keeping you afloat when you have 25 pounds of lead weights strapped to your waist? You guessed it this guy dropped faster than D.B. Cooper disappeared after his famous robbery. Again hearing glug glug gluggg come from one of your students is a bad thing. We didn't let him drown though so my record still stands...no dead students. Yayyyy
I have many more witty things to say but I'm very far behind on paperwork and must try to get caught up.
Everyone who e-mailed and said they wanted to do the secret pal thing, please be patient I have been given some ideas for guidelines and will mail those to you (e-mail) along with what information you will need to send me.
Happy humping today, or is that happy hump day...ah hell with it you all figure it out but I'm all up for humping like procrating ceramic bunnies.
So anyway, where to start...oh a few weeks ago Mom (my mom not the mom that's nuts though my real mom is nuts...DOH did I say that outloud) okay I'm digressing...anway we get this letter from AZ unemployment saying that our mom owes them almost 2 thousand dollars, so being the great daughter that I am send them back a very nice letter saying hey she's in a nursing home and in hospice care and has 0 income as the state is taking her disability check so there is no money to pay you. These morons send me another letter and form saying they need a doctor to sign saying that she is disabled and can't work. hmmmmmmm WHAT THE FUCK part of disabled, nursing home, hospice and DYING sounds like she is going to be able to return to work. I swear to all that's holy and rightous this bueratic BS is going to drive me back to my favorite nyquil, percot and tequilla milkshakes just to get through this. I'm really hoping that when I worked for the government that I didn't seem to be as stupid as some of these employees nowdays seem to be. ARUUUGGGHHHHHH
The scuba season is starting into full swing and we have students crawling all over the place. On Monday I found out something rather important. When you are working as a divemaster assisting the instructor in the pool and one of you students is snorkling from the shallow end to the deep end and you hear glug glug gluggg this is not a good sign. One of the students we'll call him Curley after the 3 stooges (this is a full grown man and a Doctor no less) when called by the instructor to snorkle to the deep end. This is a basic skill that we all learn. So this student airs up his BCD (this is what keeps you afloat on the surface) puts his snorkle in his mouth and takes off. I'm watching the other students in the shallow end, and for some unknown reason Curley deceides this is a good time to dump all of the air out of the BCD. Okay folks, maybe it's just me but does it seem like a good idea to let all of the air out of the device keeping you afloat when you have 25 pounds of lead weights strapped to your waist? You guessed it this guy dropped faster than D.B. Cooper disappeared after his famous robbery. Again hearing glug glug gluggg come from one of your students is a bad thing. We didn't let him drown though so my record still stands...no dead students. Yayyyy
I have many more witty things to say but I'm very far behind on paperwork and must try to get caught up.
Everyone who e-mailed and said they wanted to do the secret pal thing, please be patient I have been given some ideas for guidelines and will mail those to you (e-mail) along with what information you will need to send me.
Happy humping today, or is that happy hump day...ah hell with it you all figure it out but I'm all up for humping like procrating ceramic bunnies.
At 12:59 PM,
Tim said…
you should have let him drown just to teach him a lesson.
At 1:58 PM,
Alekx said…
Tim...then I have all that damn paperwork to do and have to listen to the wife cry and wail cuz the father of her children has drowned. It was just better for my sanity to save his fool life..besides now he just came back and spent more money. :-)
At 2:55 PM,
Handsome B. Wonderful said…
I am dealing with social security right now as I am filing for disability. So far things have gone smooth but I swear if I get denied and I have to appear before a court things will not be good. A schizophrenic in court CAN'T be a good thing. Take care.
At 3:32 PM,
kitten said…
And you want to teach ME to dive??
Kidding, Sweetie..
Set up a seperate gift exchange blog..thats the easiest way..and I prefer Humping days...they burn more calories.
At 3:38 PM,
Burfica said…
OMG you dork ass, did you realize you spelled psycopath wrong??? that just cracks my shit up. hahahahaha hehehehehehehe hohohohoohhoohho uh uh uh uh uh
At 7:06 AM,
MomThatsNuts said…
OH Alexk....so much could be said here....where do I start????
1) Please sign up Evil Troll and Evil Troll Jr for "scuba" lessons.
2) Make me one of those milkshakes
3) Send Hospice pamplet and offer for free "SCUBA" lessons to guy at Unemployment office
4) Doctor schmoctor! They all have Messiah complexes anyhow, why didnt he just WALK on water out of there??
At 7:43 AM,
Mia said…
I always thought it was a prerequisit that you had to be a "dumbass" to work for the government. (no offence to you )
Happy Hump day...one day late (sorry) Why do they call it hump day when most people get laid on the weekend?
At 10:26 PM,
Dorko said…
What the hay...?
Does AZ want to bury you too? (paperwork!)
What's their evil plan (?) to slide a cadaver waiver into the small print - so after she's gone they can collect her body & sell 'er off to some pre-med-students for dissection? (in hopes of not only satisfying their "claim" but cooping a tidy little profit in the barganing?)
Good thing you have a Dr. on board you may consult with! Now that you've saved his life he owes you, no?
At 7:46 PM,
Azathoth100 said…
Do you realize it took me a moment of reading to figure out that you meant the state of Arizona? I'm reading "I get a letter from Az saying our Mom owes almost 2 thousand dollars" and I had to go back and re-read it because my eyes left out the Unemployment and them parts. I'm thinking 'I never wrote a letter and thier Mom doesn't owe me a thing'.
Oh and while bunnies are fine, drop the ceramic thing. They just break if they try to hump.
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