Just a plain bitchfest
First off to all my new friends that have begun to visit my blog and I theirs, let me apologize for this Blog right now and know it is not directed at any one of you. So if you want to practice your art of censorship and skip this post I shalln't be offended. And thank all of you for visiting and I hope that I get the opprutunity to get to know each of you better through your blogs, e-mail and IM if you would be so inclined.
Okay...I'm gonna start my bitchfest and it's gonna piss off one or two people. Tough shit!!
What the hell is it that people don't realize this is a BLOG...a diary, a place to come and express your own opinions, your dreams whatever. First as Burfica has stated in her Blog. My BLOG, My opinions, my thoughts, you don't like it F-off. Who is forcing anyone to read something that you don't like. See the X in the upper right hand corner...use it, it's your right. I have a real issue of someone going to a blog and posting rude comments as annonymous, it's happened to two of my blog buddies this week, one a new friend, one a friend in real life. What the hell....people aren't brave enough to leave their real name. Though respect to one that did come back and say who it was. The other to my new blog buddy was just an ass.
However, my freind Pett, http://threeolivemartini.blogspot.com/ made a very moving tribute on Vetren's day on her Blog and received a awful comment from annoymous...who was then attacked and turned out to be a friend of all of ours. First off Pett has lost more than many. And this person knows of her loss but still felt the need to make a comment like this. That just sucks...I respect his right to his own opinion but as a friend should not have done it in the fourm he chose.
Next...Dwayne, you don't need my respect...fine I haven't even talked to you in a long time...so I could give a damn if you need my respect or not. I didn't even know it was you posting Mr. Anonymous and now that I do still could care less. You know this is like 2 year mental fucking meltdown. It's almost word for word the same bullshit from Virtual places. I wasn't even going to comment but the way you felt to jump up bad on me with the comment of not needing my respect...well fuck that. I still respect the right of you to have your own opinion, I respect the fact you owned up to it being you, but do not and will not respect how you made a friend feel when you of all people know of her loss and where her post was coming from. Then to act like we are all making you the bad guy....whatever....but look at the posts, from people you don't even know. You upset more then just a few people.
Okay I'm done with my bitch fest....I'll probably not read the comments as I know at least one of them is going to be quite rude. I might and again to my new friends I'm sorry for this one. I will be back to my insane self a bit later.
Peace out
Okay...I'm gonna start my bitchfest and it's gonna piss off one or two people. Tough shit!!
What the hell is it that people don't realize this is a BLOG...a diary, a place to come and express your own opinions, your dreams whatever. First as Burfica has stated in her Blog. My BLOG, My opinions, my thoughts, you don't like it F-off. Who is forcing anyone to read something that you don't like. See the X in the upper right hand corner...use it, it's your right. I have a real issue of someone going to a blog and posting rude comments as annonymous, it's happened to two of my blog buddies this week, one a new friend, one a friend in real life. What the hell....people aren't brave enough to leave their real name. Though respect to one that did come back and say who it was. The other to my new blog buddy was just an ass.
However, my freind Pett, http://threeolivemartini.blogspot.com/ made a very moving tribute on Vetren's day on her Blog and received a awful comment from annoymous...who was then attacked and turned out to be a friend of all of ours. First off Pett has lost more than many. And this person knows of her loss but still felt the need to make a comment like this. That just sucks...I respect his right to his own opinion but as a friend should not have done it in the fourm he chose.
Next...Dwayne, you don't need my respect...fine I haven't even talked to you in a long time...so I could give a damn if you need my respect or not. I didn't even know it was you posting Mr. Anonymous and now that I do still could care less. You know this is like 2 year mental fucking meltdown. It's almost word for word the same bullshit from Virtual places. I wasn't even going to comment but the way you felt to jump up bad on me with the comment of not needing my respect...well fuck that. I still respect the right of you to have your own opinion, I respect the fact you owned up to it being you, but do not and will not respect how you made a friend feel when you of all people know of her loss and where her post was coming from. Then to act like we are all making you the bad guy....whatever....but look at the posts, from people you don't even know. You upset more then just a few people.
Okay I'm done with my bitch fest....I'll probably not read the comments as I know at least one of them is going to be quite rude. I might and again to my new friends I'm sorry for this one. I will be back to my insane self a bit later.
Peace out
At 1:17 PM,
Burfica said…
Yeah what she said. Word for word. Dick head.
At 1:41 PM,
kitten said…
Hey Alekx..Thanks for the support,,you and Burf are "da bom"..(god i cant believe i just WROTE that..delete it when your done! lol) Every word you said is so frikkin true...wish everyone thought that way. I went over to 3 olives, poor thing..assholes. Scum sucking butt sniffing ingnoramus's (Um, Caleb ,6, gave me the butt sniffing thing..hes giggling as we speak)
So give em hell , baby!
Thanks again...
At 3:04 PM,
ThreeOliveMartini said…
Its nice to know who my real friends are and who the not so real ones are.. that is all i can say at the moment except THANKS!
At 2:58 PM,
Senirus said…
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At 3:43 PM,
Senirus said…
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