No Idea
Have you ever had a day where nothing inspirational for your blog will come to the forefront of your mind???? I'm having one of those days. Nothing but incoherent ramblings are in my head.
Having read Burfica's blog and almost peeing myself got me to thinking about my husband and being late in the mornings. The effect just isn't the same though...Burfica's hubby being like this large Troll looking character approximatly the size of Mt. Fuji with these huge hands and huge feet (but the deceidely Dufas look on his face most times as he incoherenly stares at you while you are talking to him) and then thinking of my short little Asian guy who looks more like Dolby from Harry Potter than a Cave Troll. (Yes ladies I'm not getting any sex for several weeks for this comment) My wonderful Hubby is not a morning person at all so when the alarm goes off in the mornings it usually sounds like a pin ball game from bed room to bathroom, to walk in closet, back to bathroom back to bedroom then into kitchen, hallway, garage, and vehicle. I usually just pray that he is done rebounding off of solid objects by the time he makes it to the big old Dodge Ram pick-up. If not I just don't want to know about it.
Now my hubby however is a night person...which means he stays up until all hours of the night/morning. I tease him about having an on line girlfriend and cruising porn sites, but alas he normally is looking for fart jokes and other disguesting things in that relm....So having to get up early yet staying up late at night about once a week he deems it necessary to jump my shit at night because he's tired. Normal converstaion on this day. The Hubby...Why the F**K can't you do something around here..I work hard and I'm tired..My reply It's not my F**King fault you are to dumb to get enough sleep so stop bitching. He then pouts..goes to bed early and is a much nicer person in the morning, after the morning human pinball game that is. This is just to funny in my book.. Same converstation every week for the last 5 years.
Hmmmm this next section will be for Papa..
Things that are so irritating it's good I leave my Weapon home most days
Having read Burfica's blog and almost peeing myself got me to thinking about my husband and being late in the mornings. The effect just isn't the same though...Burfica's hubby being like this large Troll looking character approximatly the size of Mt. Fuji with these huge hands and huge feet (but the deceidely Dufas look on his face most times as he incoherenly stares at you while you are talking to him) and then thinking of my short little Asian guy who looks more like Dolby from Harry Potter than a Cave Troll. (Yes ladies I'm not getting any sex for several weeks for this comment) My wonderful Hubby is not a morning person at all so when the alarm goes off in the mornings it usually sounds like a pin ball game from bed room to bathroom, to walk in closet, back to bathroom back to bedroom then into kitchen, hallway, garage, and vehicle. I usually just pray that he is done rebounding off of solid objects by the time he makes it to the big old Dodge Ram pick-up. If not I just don't want to know about it.
Now my hubby however is a night person...which means he stays up until all hours of the night/morning. I tease him about having an on line girlfriend and cruising porn sites, but alas he normally is looking for fart jokes and other disguesting things in that relm....So having to get up early yet staying up late at night about once a week he deems it necessary to jump my shit at night because he's tired. Normal converstaion on this day. The Hubby...Why the F**K can't you do something around here..I work hard and I'm tired..My reply It's not my F**King fault you are to dumb to get enough sleep so stop bitching. He then pouts..goes to bed early and is a much nicer person in the morning, after the morning human pinball game that is. This is just to funny in my book.. Same converstation every week for the last 5 years.
Hmmmm this next section will be for Papa..
Things that are so irritating it's good I leave my Weapon home most days
- The person who while everyone is doing 75 or 80 on the freeway takes a call on the cell phone and slows down to 35 mph causing a large pile up behind them
- The stupid bitch that needs to put on her makeup while driving. (if you can't tell this is a huge pet peave of mine) Either do it before you are in the car, in your work parking lot, but sweetie in most cases you are to damn ugly anyway and no amount of make up is going to help.
- The woman or man with the big boobs, the bigger stomach, the much larger thighs and no tan who feel it is necessary to either wear a speedo or a bikini and act like super models. I'm all about being happy with who you are, but there are some things that certain people just should not wear.
- The people who are suposed to be friends of the above mentioned bikini/speedo clad persons that told them "no you look great in that"
- The screechy voiced person on the PA system that won't shut up.
- The waiter that keeps coming to your table and taking your pitcher of beer and refilling your glass..If I want more beer I pour it my damn self.
- Ohhhhhhhh Grrrrrrrrrrrr answering the phone during your favorite TV program and it's a recording saying "Please hold for Important Information" and it's a telemarkerter...who treats you like the plauge when you tell them to remove your name and number from ALL their call lists. (They have to do this by the way when you tell them too)
- Telemarketers in general....If I want your damn product I'll go on the internet, find your number and call you...GO THE FUCK AWAY already.
- The bitch on the prayer channel with the bufont hair do and the plastic surgery that makes her look like Joan Rivers with rabies. What is up with that and what makes you think you should be seen on TV and I'll betcha it's all those donations you are begging for that paid for that awful hair do and worse face. ICKY...shiver...cringe
- Politically correct bumper stickers...WTF with that..bumper stickers are supose to be for the entertainment of the driver behind you...
- The person at the store/ grocery/walmart that feels the need to put their cart smack in the middle of the aisle and then walk away, then comes back as you move their cart outta the way and act like you are stealing their safty deposit box.
Okay I'm done..sorry such a boring post today
At 3:30 PM,
Burfica said…
I can just imagine Gigantor and Dolby walking along in the forest trying to hunt little fuzzy creatures. LOL
Grunting at each other.
Well Gigantor grunting. Dolby kinda squeeks huh?? LOL okay now I'm dead
At 6:11 AM,
ThreeOliveMartini said…
oh man .. hope manny doesnt see this and snitch out our late night affair !!
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