Nitrogen Narcosis

Faster then a speeding bullet, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound...this is way better than drugs.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


.....that's what I wish I was when we went to see this movie.
OMG if you get a chance to go to the theater, pay money buy 40 dollars worth of popcorn, drinks and candy and go sit and watch this movie. RUNNNNNN RUN RUN RUN the other way. This is the worst movie I have seen in oh lets say about 20 years. GAG
The scuba elf and I love to go watch movies, it's one of our ways to relax since we both have high stress jobs. We will sometimes do a whole movie marathon day. Often times we drag along our best couple friends.
Yes they sat through this terrible movie with us. What friends. We of course bitched and moaned the whole time. It was like a train wreck. You kept thinking this is on the big screen it HAS to get better. HA joke was on us. It didn't.

Anyway that's my warning for the time being.

Can't wait till Twlight comes out. whooo hoooo

Happy Tuesday