Nitrogen Narcosis

Faster then a speeding bullet, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound...this is way better than drugs.

Monday, February 16, 2009

A Favor

Sorry it's been awhile since I posted.
I'd like to ask the whole blogger community to please either pray to whatever higher power you believe in, or keep in your thoughts my co-worker.
Her name is Tammy (
2 years ago she had a double lung transplant, and now she is in the hospital, with cronic rejection.
Tammy is one of those truely wonderful people that we sometimes get a chance to have grace our lives.
She is always so upbeat and positive. She makes anyone she comes in contact with feel warm/fuzzy and loved.
She's a fighter too. I've never seen anyone tested as much as she has been and be able to smile and have such a positive attitude.
If anyone truly deserves a miracle it's the Tammy girl.

Thank you for your prayers and or good thoughts.