Nitrogen Narcosis

Faster then a speeding bullet, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound...this is way better than drugs.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Betcha thought I was dead

>>>>>>>>or at least you were hoping for that, but no such luck my furry friends. I'm still alive and kicking. Despite the best efforts of Police and firefighters yammering in my ear, and the oh so wonderful citizens of the city I work in trying to drive me insane and send me leaping to my death out of a basement window.

Don't get me wrong I LOVE, LOVE my new job and it's getting better every day since I got out of training. It's a continuing experience, HOWEVER tonight every damn person deceided they needed to beat the hell outta each other. They couldn't be polite enough to just shoot each other and get it over with, NOOO they have to beat the shit out of each other then act like White Trash Barbie when the police arrive and put the boyfriend under arrest for beating the female, she's standing there screaming...DON"T TAKE HIM I LOVE HIM....then proceeds to call 911 to try to have the officer arrested for arresting her boyfriend.


As Burf mentioned on her site, My dad is moving up with her, Gigantor and kiddo, this takes a load of stress off of me, as daily I worry about him. And especially with mom just passing away it's been an extra strain. It will be so good for him to be with family and with his grand kiddo. I'm happier then a pig sitting in nice cool shit.

I've felt evil that last few days. Evil like it would be amuzing to run over all the neighborhood children with my car and drive tanks into their parents houses for being stupid enough to reproduce the off spring that desperatly needs to be ran over.
The neighbors down the street have boys, who thinks that they need to jump their bikes and skateboards over a make shift ramp they set up in the street. Now I'm not one to begrudge anyone a broken arm or two in their childhood, however when setting up the ramp in the middle of the street they should realize that CARS drive down streets and they have to move their shit no matter how inconvient it may be for them. The next little shit that gives me the "you stupid old cow" look and spits when I drive by is going to find a 40 cal shoved up his ass until he's singing like Mariah Carey. Is this bad of Me?

Okay it's late, I'm off to bed. I have a headache from all the winners who needed police help tonight

Love ya all

Monday, February 13, 2006

I suck.

....okay mind outta the gutter. I meant I suck at posting. Like Burfica, I've had a lot of shit in my head I've been getting through.
First off, as of last Friday I've FINALLY made it through training and am now a full fledged dispatcher without a training officer plugged into my radio critiquing me.
I'm still nervous but most people say it's a good 2 years before you ever start feeling like you might know your job. You just do the best you can day by day.
But getting through training has taken a huge load off of my shoulders, and all the uppity ups are quite suprised that I finsihed my training on schedule due to the stress I've been under.
One thing I've learned taking phone calls in a police station is that when the first words out of a persons mouth are YES, I'm a citizen of [insert city name here] you know you have a nut bag on the other end of the line.
Holy shit folks, if you are calling our police department it means 1. you are a citizen of [city], you've had a crime committed against you by a citizen of [city], you've commited a crime in [city] or you are just confused and think you are a citizen of [city]. I'm gonna get you help no matter what, so please don't think you are gonna get special treatment.
Oh and telling me you know the chief of police will make me move faster and kiss your ass. NOT!!! I know the chief of police also and regularly make him hork coffee out of his tear ducts. {Insert eyes rolling here}
Okay I promise to try to post more, but again like Burf I've got alot of shit on my mind and in my heart. I've been going through mom's stuff getting rid of what isn't needed or can't be used, and that's hard. I thought I handeled holding my mom for the last few heartbeats of her life really well but now it's kind of messing with my emotions, I know it will get better with time and I just need to let it run it's course. So thanks all for sticking with me through all this.
Hugs ya all

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


I'm home from Arizona.
We had the memorial for my mom, it was very nice and upbeat with everyone wearing purple, or little purple flowers that Burfica painstakinly made. There were alot of people there and many that were very sad that they couldn't make it because of pre-commitments. It was nice to see how mom touched so many peoples lives. The next day our cousin found a great spot for us to leave mom's ashes. I'm going to let Burfica tell the story of the eagle because she is so much better at making people see pictures in their heads with her words than I am. She has that gift. But just know that everyone at the ashes scattering knew that it was mom there saying goodbye and telling us she was okay.
It's been a very long 2 weeks, I'm very tired, sad at times and happy at others. I am happy my mom is out of pain and in so much of a better place. But I miss my best friend so much.
My hubby had a dream and she was with horses. He gets visits from the passed in his dreams so I really believe since Burf and I had not slowed down enough for mom to let us know that she is okay she had to come tell my hubby so we'd know that she's happy.
Thank all of you for the e-mails, the condolances, the wearing of purple on Saturday, especially you AZA.
All of our blogger family, you are so appreciated and so loved by both Burf and I. Thank you again for everything.

On a side note, my chief of police says I'm not right at all cuz I told him I was back to work a couple days after mom passed cuz she was at the shake and bake and I couldn't do anything until I left for the memorial. He snorked coffee out of his tear ducts (it looked painful) and out of his nose and I think his ears then told me I wasn't right. And he keeps telling me every time he passes me in the hall that there's something about me that just ain't right so today I said well sir you are correct but you should think about who the idiot was that hired me. He said great now I know"I ain't right either"