More Job Hunting
So this week I've applied for 4 jobs.
I sent my Resume to Radio Shack for a Security position, they called right away to set up a phone interview. Had the phone interview this morning. It only took 8 minutes before they asked me if I could come in for a face to face interview.
I applied for a posistion at Citi-cards, went for a test and application fill out yesterday. After wasting 4 hours over there I figured out I didn't want it. It was a Customer Service Rep on the phones. I don't want to do that again, and it's one of those positions that when you call your credit card company with a question, once they answer that question they try to sell you something like regular credit reports, discounts to retail stores (only 80 dollars a year for this program) etc. That was the job it was, answer questions then try to sell something, and your pay is based on your sales. Thanks but no thanks.
I also applied for another security company and another city as a 9-11 operator
Tomorrow I have a peliminary interview with one police department for operator and Friday the face to face interview with Radio Shack. Plus I'm supose to hear something from the armored car company.
Since the interviewers are men maybe I should eat bon bons and masturbate during the interview. What do you think?
Wish me luck and keep me in your prayers if you are so inclined to do so. If not prayers at least your thoughts and fantazies. (AZA I know I'm in your fantazies already but really go to town hun) (You to HO)
Once I get a real job, it will relieve some of the major stress that's going on in my life and I should be back to my snarky posts.