Nitrogen Narcosis

Faster then a speeding bullet, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound...this is way better than drugs.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

More Job Hunting

Ughhhhhhhhh I've fogotten how much I hate job hunting. It's so much more fun to sit around the house eating bon bons and masturbating **cough cough**
So this week I've applied for 4 jobs.
I sent my Resume to Radio Shack for a Security position, they called right away to set up a phone interview. Had the phone interview this morning. It only took 8 minutes before they asked me if I could come in for a face to face interview.

I applied for a posistion at Citi-cards, went for a test and application fill out yesterday. After wasting 4 hours over there I figured out I didn't want it. It was a Customer Service Rep on the phones. I don't want to do that again, and it's one of those positions that when you call your credit card company with a question, once they answer that question they try to sell you something like regular credit reports, discounts to retail stores (only 80 dollars a year for this program) etc. That was the job it was, answer questions then try to sell something, and your pay is based on your sales. Thanks but no thanks.

I also applied for another security company and another city as a 9-11 operator

Tomorrow I have a peliminary interview with one police department for operator and Friday the face to face interview with Radio Shack. Plus I'm supose to hear something from the armored car company.

Since the interviewers are men maybe I should eat bon bons and masturbate during the interview. What do you think?

Wish me luck and keep me in your prayers if you are so inclined to do so. If not prayers at least your thoughts and fantazies. (AZA I know I'm in your fantazies already but really go to town hun) (You to HO)

Once I get a real job, it will relieve some of the major stress that's going on in my life and I should be back to my snarky posts.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

The Great Job Hunt Interview I go in for my 10am interview at the below said Armored car company.
After waiting an hour (I guess there was some sort of emergency meeting) I finally get called back by some dweeby shot little shit supervisor.

The first thing out of his mouth was so what makes you think you are qualified for this sort of job.
(Now I'm going to type exactaly what I was thinking but it did come out of my mouth professionally).
This is my first indication he hasn't even bothered to look at my application or resume.
So I told him, well sir I was 10 years armed security police with the department of defense.
He looks at me and says well this job is different than armed guards. Do you know what an armored truck guard does.
I say, It's my understanding that you work in 2 or 3 man teams, guarding and transporting large amounts of valuables and currancy as well as providing security for things like jewlery shows, taking inventory of said valuables and currancy, blah blah blah.
That's right he says.
Dude, I was in control of multi-billion dollars worth of national security equipment, currancy, top secret and secret and "eyes-only" documents, I think I get it.
He's now thumbing through my application and resume. He looks up and says so what qualities do you have that I should hire you.
Well says I, I'm loyal and honest and DUH I am tatical weapons trained in handguns, shotguns and assult rifles.

Then he goes to my driving record. Okay guys I got a speeding ticket when I was 16 (6 days after I got my license and my car) I got a ticket on a highway, a lonely highway when I was 18, and then I got a unsafe backing ticket when I backed into a parked car at 3am when a drunk I gave a ride home to was pawing at me. This is when I was 22 or 23.
This man goes well there might be a problem with your driving record check.
Fuck dude I'm 41 this has been 20 years ago and asshole speed and minor traffic violations are expunged from your driving record after 5 to 7 years.

Then he says we will also run a background check on you, most people are nervous about this. Should I go ahead and run the check.

SECRET and TOP SECRET security clearances, plus I just had a back ground check for a concealed handgun license.

~~sigh~~ I'm hope this isn't an indication of the entire company.

Oh yah ....he asks do you have the ability to work with a partner.
Page 2 of the resume jerk. I worked patrol with a partner, all sites were with partners
So I shook his hand and left
I should here something back by the end of the week

Damn I hope I get called for the peliminary interview for the emergancy dispatcher (9-11)

Thursday, August 25, 2005

The Great Job Hunt Adventure

So I'm in the midst of finding a full time job.
I LOVE working at the scuba shop, but it's part time, it's min wage. I knew when I took the position that the dive industry isn't a place to make money, you are poor but doing what you love.
Hopefully one day I'll be able to do that overseas traveling and go back to my passion working in the dive industry.

However circumstances dictate that I need to get a full time job with real money andinsurance and 401K etc etc.
So with computer degree in hand I'm trying for jobs in my second love which is law enforcement. Unfortunatly with old age and arthritis setting into my knee and ankle I don't think I'm going to be able to work in a patrol unit. I just don't think my stamina with the knee and ankle is what is should be and lord I don't want to put a partner into jeporady.

Yesterday I applied for a Armored car driver/guard. 3 hours after I put in my application I got called for an interview. I interview tomorrow morning. I'm hoping as quickly as I was called that's a good sign. (I wish I knew where my bullet proof vest disappeared to though)

I've also put in for a Public Safety Dispatcher (9-11 operator) with 2 different cities. I'm filling out a background invistagation packet for one city. It's as extensive as when I got a security clearance. Fingers crossed on that one.

Keep me in your prayers or your thoughts or even your fantasies. Whatever you think will help me most.

I'll try to post later.


Saturday, August 20, 2005


I'm home, had a fairly good time. Saw at least 4 dozen black tip reef sharks. Called like 8 of them in really was cool

Blogging will be sporatic if not non existant for awhile. I don't wanna go into it right now. I hope y'all will keep dropping by and hopefully soon I'll be back in full swing.


Friday, August 12, 2005

5 AM Blogging's 5 am and I'm up blogging.

Well it's not all my fault, honest. I've been up since 3.

My cousin is here visiting. Her son and his best friend went to a system of the down (I guess that's who it was) concert that the house elf got em VIP tickets for. Afterwards they pick up some homeless chick to give her a ride cuz she's "kinda" going their way and she gets em frigging lost as dogs. So they call me at 3 for directions which I give them.

Do you think these 2 shits listen to me? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO damnit anyway. I tell em get on I35E heading North, okay says one I'm on that road. I'm like good stay on it till you find either 635W or 114W then call me. Okay says the driver.

20 minutes later ring ring...okay we are on 30 East now where.

Okay..where the fuck anywhere above did I say get on 30 East??????
Nope didn't think so either, so after they get really friggin lost more and more they finally find I35E North again.
This time I stay on the phone with them. I hear driver boy saying okay I'm gonna take this exit.

NOOOOOOO little shit don't exit until I tell you to exit somewhere...finally get them in the right direction. I kept them on the phone until they turned onto a 9 mile streach of road heading mostly to our house with directions to call me when they found the rail road tracks.

I'm thinking I should get a call when they are back on I30 East again. And I'll just leave em the fuck there until I go get some more sleep.


By the way the first phone call was at 2:55 am it is now 5:10. I'm gonna kill em both.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Gawd I Hate my Job

I get a call today from the boss who says oh by the way you have to go to Cozumel on Saturday until Wednesday, and you'll have to dive with the folks who signed up for the trip.

Fuck I have a rough life.

Back home Safe and Sound

I'm back from Arizona; Happy and sad at the same time. I'm so happy to be home to my handsome hubby and starting the sex on all the major appliances.
But I did get my best friend all packed up and on his way to Alaska. It was a tearful goodbye and I miss him wicked bad already, but the house elf and I will take a trip up to Alaska to see my friend and as a BONUS get to see whales and maybe do some dry suit diving in the Alaska waters, an experience we'd probably never do without having a friend up there to lure us in.

Okay so I was driving home from AZ. It's like 1:45 in the morning. I'm about to fall asleep and of course my ramp is closed (the ramp I need to get home) So since my exit is in the middle of a mix master I have to drive about 10 miles up the road to turn around and try to pick up the ramp from the other side. No go, it was closed on that side as well. So now I have to drive another 13 or 15 miles to go into the city and zig zag my way over to the highway I need to get home. I'm tired I want my husband and bed and I'm not happy to be driving extra. Well here I am on a dark highway, and suddenly BAM I get hit with a Police helicopter spotlight right in my front window. Let me tell you boys and girls that will wake you right the fuck up.
Apparently something was going on with an 18 wheeler that they were searching for. As one company of big rigs were all pulled over to the side of the road while being searched. I'm guessing that a SUV fitting the same description as the one I was driving was involved either as a chase vehicle or a perp as I was lit up like 4 different times. I slowed down waiting for a police vehicle so I could be cleared on my way but none ever showed up so I guess they caught the bad guys.

Anyway I'm home safe and sound and will try to get into some snarky blogging soon.