.......leap out of a damn basement window screaming all the way down to my bloody death...Well okay I'll acutally probably be screaming from the pulled muscle in my thigh from trying to jump up to the basement window in the attempt to fling myself out of it to a bloody death.
I'm just about to scream here people or to go postal, which isn't a good thing since I'm trained in multiple real bullet firing guns and stuff. Arughhhhhhhh
Okay here is the reason for my stress
1. Friday..I get a call from mom's rehab center. We are letting her out on Monday, so Burfica, Gigantor, house elf and I begin to make frantic plans for me to drive out to AZ to pick her up whilst Burf and Gigantor being the packing frenzy.
2. Saturday and Sunday Spend both days getting the house and bedrooms cleared out to move mom in see post about super giant and house elf and the excitement with them over the weekend.
3. Monday..Get a root canal, but things are still on track to go pick up mom. Get a tow hitch put on the Durango, got lost getting home from getting the tow hitch on and burnt 1/2 tank of gas getting unlost. Have secured some business things to do on the trip so I can write part of it off. Begin to reschedule my jewlery shows, and get F'd up on booze and pain meds.
4. Tuesday..Fight with U-haul making several complaints about the little po-duck town that Burfica and my mom live in.. (FUCKWADS ((that one was for you BM)))
5. Finally get the U-haul things squared away and start laundry, and preparing to change the oil in the durango and get it road trip worthy
6. Tuesday evening get a call from the rehab center saying mom has been at the hospital all day with chest pains and she has a staff infection so she won't be getting out anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks due to a mainline IV of antibiotics she has to have.
7. Bang head repeatedly into wall. Call my lodgings and business contacts and cancel, verfiy all jewlery shows for the week and breath a sigh of releif that we have a couple more weeks at least to prepare.
8. Wednesday...talk to the doctor at the rehab center who now says she's not sure if the IV mainline is needed. She has to look at some test results and look at the wounds with the wound nurse and if everything looks okay then mom will indeed get out on Monday, with just oral antibiotics.
9. Scream hysterically...bang phone into desk, breaking the phone, kick the wall, putting hole in wall and breaking toe...desperatly seaking loaded weapons and basement windows. thinking the whole bottle of quervo and the remaining pain pills are looking quite grand right now.
So on that note I won't know until later today weather I'm staying or leaving.
Somebody please shoot me now. Please...
Oh you all are so selfish...you'd miss reading my posts so you won't help put me outta my misery...