Nitrogen Narcosis

Faster then a speeding bullet, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound...this is way better than drugs.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Frantic Studying Again

....sorry I haven't written but I've been studying for my final dive master test. Finishing up is very close and I can just taste it. This one is on Decompression Theories and the recreational dive planner. I feel better about this one then I did the physics one so that means I'll probably bomb this one to hell. Keep your fingers crossed. After this test I just have 3 physical ability tests to take, a maping project and a rescue project and we are done. It's been a long long year to get to this point. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

I am happy to report that I have finally found a home for the two little adorable mutt dogs of my moms. I finally had to admit that 8 animals around the house is way to much for me and the house elf to handle with as busy as we are. My mom's sister is going to take them so I'm off in a few days to deliver them to Tennessee. It's a huge weight lifted off my shoulders since all the no-kill shelters here wouldn't take any more animals. I was sweating it. At least the poop detail will be dimished somewhat after the pooches are delivered.

I don't have anything witty or snarky to say today. After learning of Ginny's death I have been very sad. I've also taken time to reflect on some of the friends and loves I've made on this thing called the internet. Believe me I've had good and bad experiences.

1st I had this man from NY that I met on the internet show up on my door step. It was romantic in a stalker sort of way so I let him crash on the couch for a couple of days. On the 3rd day after finding out he was a con-artist and was using my phone and computer to call other women telling them how much he loved and cared about them and wanted to meet them in person, I rang up my Former-Marine/Ex-cop/armed security captain father and told him to get this guy outta my house before I shot him in the head. Daddy showed up in uniform with a gun and ended up having to stick the gun in the guys face to get him out but out he went.

2nd A couple months after that I had been talking to the house elf on line and on the phone. He wanted to meet in person. Of course I kept saying NO every time he asked but he relentlessly stalked me until one day I said Fine you want to meet me, fly here because I'm guns are here...My daddy is daddy's guns are here. Well brave little man that he is flew out here within 3 days. Spent 5 days, went home, we were engaged 4 days later and married 4 months after that. We've been married almost 6 years now. (That's a good story)

3rd There are 4 people that I've met on line that I consider very good friends. For reasons of privacy I will use screen names. Pett over at Three Olives and Some Yarn, I know Pett in real life since meeting her on line and think she is so wonderful, Wizard, a wonderful man in the land of OZ that we've practically watched his kids grow up. There is my great friend TaxAttorney who is exactaly that in San Diego, I can pick up the phone any time of the day or night and he's there for me. And he just got married 2 years ago and fullfilled his dream of becoming a husband and a father. I'm so happy for him. And same with Sven who is like my little brother.

I guess where I'm going with all that, is sometimes with snarky comments and having a good time, it's sometimes easy to lose site that the person at the other end of the blog is a real person. I want you all to know through all the jokes and snarky comments left on your blogs, I care about each and every one of you that I read and comment on. You are all special and the ones that have already and in the future will want to take the blog to another level (e-mailing, chat programs etc) I treasure that getting closer and getting to know you all better. Please keep coming to visit my blog and I will keep coming to yours, to laugh and cry with all of you and to get to know you all better.

Okay enough with the sniff sniff kissing your butts.
My recommendation for link of the week >>>>>>>>>>over there you all.... under temples of blog that I worship daily....Go visit Mom that's Nuts. She is a riot and I'd like to see more folks visit her blog as she tells us of exploits with the evil troll and troolings. So go over and visit her and enjoy.

On closing...Ginny I miss you terribly...But I rejoice that you are now out of pain and able to watch over your wonderful children and all of us in a very special way.
Ginny I am so happy to have had you as a part of my life even if for only a few short months.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Parking Lots

You all! I didn't know that a person could vibrate so hard that it would register on a sysmic meter.
Now I know you all know exactally how much I adore the Walmart parking lot **cough cough sputter I'm going to hell for telling lies like this** Well I found a parking lot just as exciting as Walmart. That would be the one over by the Ross Discount store. You know the one where you can get fairly nice cloths for pretty cheap prices.
Before I go on here..I need to make a note that I respect all you Mothers out there..Not as in Mother F8&%#$^ers but as in moms. Just because I've choosen not to procreate my wonderful goddess like genes doesn't mean that I don't adore and respect you and the huge job you have of motherhood.
Okay, with that said
Don't yell at me
Cuz I'm fragile and stuff
Just don't yell,
I have an Ambien headache

Soooooooo what is it about mothers and discount store parking know like Walmart, Ross, Dollar stores, that tend to make them let their children run pell mell and hell bent for leather. Darting in and out of parked vehicles, running in front of and behind moving vehicles.

I'm at the Ross store picking out ever so lovely moo moo's (oh shut up that's what they are called) for my mom and as I come out and start toward my Durango, there is this mother letting her 3 foot nothing kids run all over the parking lot not paying any attention to them what-so-ever, and a car is backing out and almost takes out one of this little monsters. The mom now grabs her kid hugging him to her protectively as if she is mother of the year and never lets this little hellion more than 8 inches from her side and begins to scream at the driver to watch were the F*#^K she's going blah blah blah..

Apparently I was having a moment
Or a Day
Or a Year
Or a something

I just couldn't keep my mouth shut so I walk over to mom of the year and told her when the hell is it our responsibilty to safe guard your child you stupid idiot. It's a damn parking lot, people are pulling in and out of parking places. She shouldn't have let her childern, who are too small to be seen over the bumper of a car much less out of the back window or rearview mirrors, be running around without supervison.

You all

This woman began to vibrate...I swear I thought I was going to see a blood vessel pop out of her forehead, kind of like the "Alien" monster comes mock 2 out of the vicitem's chest cavity. She turned all red and started sputtering that and this is and I quote. "This is my precious child and that woman almost ran him over" At which point I crossed my arms over my chest and let her finish vibrating (it had to be a 3.5 on the ricter scale I'm telling you) and finish drooling and blubbering. Then calmly told her..Lady you choose to have off spring..I didn't have kids. It is not my or this ladies responsiblity to get our of our car in a parking lot to make sure your child who isn't being supervised isn't back there. If your child is so precious to you then maybe you should PHUCKING watch your kid. Then I calmly walked off and got in my car and left as did the orginal lady who was getting yelled at by mom of the year.

Again let me say I adore parents and I respect moms and the job they have and do daily...however remember watch your kiddos in a parking lot cuz I can't see em outta my back window.

Happy Friday

Monday, March 21, 2005


Whoooooooo hoooooooooooo a 100% on the physics test. See I told you all that 1 + 1 = 3 and nobody believed me. Now I only have one test left to go which I should be diligently studying for.

but am I

No I think Not

I'm blogging....

I think this addiction has gotten the best of me.


Yesterday being Sunday and a day of rest and worship, the house elf and I deceided to go out and blow the hell outta some targets. Nothing is more calming then 40 cal and 45 cal slugs zipping out the end of a gun barrel and blowing holes into paper targets.

Ya think I'm going to hell for that?

Probably...ah well party will be at my place

Actually I've been in a qunadry as to which new weapon to purchase to use as my concealed weapon. Yes my darlings, your sweet and innocent Alekx packs a concealed weapon. (My favorite coffee mugs says "Beware I'm armed and have premenstrul tension) I've finally made up my mind after going to this charming indoor shooting range with like 300 different pistols you can rent and shoot to your hearts content, of course as long as you pay the range fees and pay for the ammo.
I've deceided on a Glock Model 23 (that's a 40 calibur pistol) I know lots of gun enthusisists will either agree or mock my choice. To be totally honest with all of you, I've been shooting since I was 4...I was in law enforcement for several years, my best friend is a retired military police officer, my father is a retired Arizona Highway patrolman (and he hates glocks but respects my choice) so I've made an informed deceision, and while you are more than welcome to leave your rantings if you desire I'm not changing my mind.

So with that said I guess next I'll have to start looking for the oh so sexy thigh holsters that I can wear with a black leather mini skirt.

Okay so I don't have the legs for a black leather mini skirt but AZA didn't that just make you perk up at the thought. Hehehehehe

Don't you just love those drive by name drops of fellow bloggers, just so that you all know I do read your posts and comments and commit them to memory.

Well after blowing things up yesterday for several hours. Ughhh it was my turn for turd patrol of the back yard. I'm thinking the house elf has been sneaky and don't think he actually pulled his turn, because I know 4 dogs can make a huge ammount of shit but Holy Moly folks I could have started my own fertlizer factory with the crap I scooped up yesterday.

Well that is if one could acutally use dog shit as an organic growing substance but I just don't see it happening.

I'm also trying to figure out exactaly why we take turns with the dog poop, when I have litter box patrol daily, twice a day, because 3 cats can also make a huge ammount of poop.

Does this seem fair to you all...

No? Yes?


The weather here has been AWESOME...hovering between the 75 and 80 degree marks. (ducking the several heavy objects being thrown my way by the likes of kitten and others who are still having sucky weather) I think I acutally got a sunburn on my poor little nose yesterday, it's kinda sore which means it's gonna start peeling and people no ammount of make up can cover up a sunburn peel. Ah well I guess I'll just need to let my natural beauty shine through.

Chicken and Mom that's mom sends thank you's for the cards. MTN, she just got your new card a couple days ago, it's hanging on her closet door. I've been scotch taping all of her cards up there. Thanks again, she does appreciate it.

Okay all I'm off to drown, errr help teach students in the pool tonight so Happy Monday


Friday, March 18, 2005


I'm about to go insane. I have a physics test to take for diving and for the love of all that's holy people, how is a person supose to remember Boyle's law, Charles' law, Dawton's law and all the stupid ass formulas that go along with them. Now I'm not bad at math, after all I know things like 1 + 1 = 3 and that if you go to walmart with $100.00 you don't have enough money. But what the PHUKE with trying to figure out P1 x V1 over T1 = K = P2 x V2 over T2. Oh and don't forget that water exerts 14.7lbs of pressure per 1 bar atomosphere and stuff like that. And you need to know how much to add to tempature to get Kelvin and Rankine depending on if you are doing metric or imperial.

Somebody please remind me why I wanted to go into diving professionally. Anyone????

No real fun stories to tell from the pool last night. The doctor didn't sink to the bottom of the pool this time. Though a couple times I thought about dragging a couple of them to the bottom during the course of the evening. (Hey kitten are you ready for your lessons..**sicker**)

A few scuba pointers

Peeing in your wetsuit...while this can warm you up when you are getting chilly it tends to make your wetsuit smelly and your skin itchy. However EVERYONE does it and those that say they never have are liars.

Making sure your air is turned on is a good thing. It's always better to know at the surface that you forgot to turn on your tank then to find out at 40 feet you forgot. It's embarassing for the students to see you frantically signaling another dive master that you are out of air.

When removing your wetsuit around several men it's a good thing to make sure that the swimming suit straps are securely on your shoulders otherwise you rip your swim suit right off your body along with the wetsuit illiciting lots of leers and wolf whistles whilst you are standing naked amoung said men.

In case of above said peeing in the wetsuit do not take your regulator and blow air into your wetsuit trying to push all the urine out into the ocean when you have sealed leg and arm bands. You just poof up like a balloon, go upside down and have to have someone come rescue you as you bob toward the surface unable to do anything cuz you are going upwards legs first.

Happy Friday everyone

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Tidbits or ravings of a physopath

....with me I think it's all pretty much the same. It's either little fun tidbits or I'm raving...what do you all think? Oh nevermind I'm just leaving myself open for all kinds of comments and I can hear Burfica, Kitten, Chicken and Mom that's nuts hands rubbign together getting ready to comment on that.

So anyway, where to start...oh a few weeks ago Mom (my mom not the mom that's nuts though my real mom is nuts...DOH did I say that outloud) okay I'm digressing...anway we get this letter from AZ unemployment saying that our mom owes them almost 2 thousand dollars, so being the great daughter that I am send them back a very nice letter saying hey she's in a nursing home and in hospice care and has 0 income as the state is taking her disability check so there is no money to pay you. These morons send me another letter and form saying they need a doctor to sign saying that she is disabled and can't work. hmmmmmmm WHAT THE FUCK part of disabled, nursing home, hospice and DYING sounds like she is going to be able to return to work. I swear to all that's holy and rightous this bueratic BS is going to drive me back to my favorite nyquil, percot and tequilla milkshakes just to get through this. I'm really hoping that when I worked for the government that I didn't seem to be as stupid as some of these employees nowdays seem to be. ARUUUGGGHHHHHH

The scuba season is starting into full swing and we have students crawling all over the place. On Monday I found out something rather important. When you are working as a divemaster assisting the instructor in the pool and one of you students is snorkling from the shallow end to the deep end and you hear glug glug gluggg this is not a good sign. One of the students we'll call him Curley after the 3 stooges (this is a full grown man and a Doctor no less) when called by the instructor to snorkle to the deep end. This is a basic skill that we all learn. So this student airs up his BCD (this is what keeps you afloat on the surface) puts his snorkle in his mouth and takes off. I'm watching the other students in the shallow end, and for some unknown reason Curley deceides this is a good time to dump all of the air out of the BCD. Okay folks, maybe it's just me but does it seem like a good idea to let all of the air out of the device keeping you afloat when you have 25 pounds of lead weights strapped to your waist? You guessed it this guy dropped faster than D.B. Cooper disappeared after his famous robbery. Again hearing glug glug gluggg come from one of your students is a bad thing. We didn't let him drown though so my record still dead students. Yayyyy

I have many more witty things to say but I'm very far behind on paperwork and must try to get caught up.
Everyone who e-mailed and said they wanted to do the secret pal thing, please be patient I have been given some ideas for guidelines and will mail those to you (e-mail) along with what information you will need to send me.

Happy humping today, or is that happy hump day...ah hell with it you all figure it out but I'm all up for humping like procrating ceramic bunnies.


Friday, March 11, 2005

Is it wrong to ground mother

......okay so I got my mom a phone at the nursing home since she's basically bed ridden I wanted her to have some sort of contact with the outside world, but DAMN she deceided she was bored at 6:30 this morning so who did she call. ME damnit...I didn't get to bed until 2:30 then the dogs got me up at 3:30 to go outside...I'm glad they did so I didn't have to commit a homicidal rage on their furry asses for popping in the house.... and then I had to get up at 4:30 to let myself outside so I didn't poop on the carpet...(okay I understand that was to gross and way to much information but live with it folks I'm in a delierium) Then mom calls at 6:30 cuz she bored. Arughhhhhh...I would never tell mom not to do this but Shit and stuff already...I'm wondering why the hell I got her a phone right now. Yawnnnnnnnnnn

There was only a little enthusium for my idea of secret pals which disappoints me a bit however I'm gonna do my best for the folks that are intrested, also those that said they'd think about it if you can let me know ASAP and I'll figure out a next step. I was hoping for more people to participate but maybe after a few start and figure out that I'm not a serial killing**, Human body part pretending it's a macdonald's chicken sandwich eating, drooling, peeping tom, stalker sort of girl; more people will want to participate.

What else...Oh the other night the house elf deceided I was trading him in for my mom's two little mutt dogs, so after a HUGE discussion (note the sacrasm on the word discussion so I guess a better word would be fight, war, nuclear holocost) we deceided to tell mom we were taking them to the pound (no kill shelter) So of course I had to break the news to mom with many tears and me saying I'm so sorry. That night we get home and the bigger of the two little dogs starts following the house elf all over the house, and playing fetch so on and so on. So now "we" are keeping the little dogs. I'm telling you I'm getting ready to pop a gasket..I can't handle the pressure. I'm like a pressure cooker that someone forgot to put the bleed off valve on. It's gonna be ugly when my head explodes and there is oozing brain matter all over the white walls.

yayyyyy Scuba season is starting to kick into full swing. So I'm hoping for some great stories to tell you. At least stories about Cozumel, Cancun, Turks and Cacios, trips that will make you all insanely jelous and then beg me to teach you how to scuba dive so you can meet me at this GREAT destinations and we can happily tour the underwater relem together, diving naked as things look much bigger underwater..(33% bigger guys..note the 33%) Diving naked could almost guarantee you score with a cute little mermaid.
Kitten note the GREAT destinations you can meet me at woman...DAMNIT

Okay happy Friday everyone. I'm off to do something constructive like sell scuba lessons and gear, or to take a nap, which ever comes first

**Note Most Serial killers deny that they are serial killers so continue at your own discretion...**twitch twitch**

Monday, March 07, 2005

An Idea

Ughhhh blogger keeps ramming it up my backside
This is the 3rd time I've tried to do this post, maybe it's not meant to me. However I've been thinking that since I've been in such a down mood lately (stop gasping like it's a suprise I know you've all been able to tell what a shrew I've been) But I usual

Anyway I've been reading on Three Olives site how she has a secret pal from bloggerville that sends little tidbits of things to her from time to time and it just makes her day. And being the genius that I am I thought..hey now that would make me feel so much better to show up at my mailbox one day and have something from a secret pal (other than a bag of dog poop) Quit laughing all of you who know about my escapades with poop and 8 animals at my home. Again I digress.

Anyway I was thinking what a great idea to have a secret pal from out Blogger family that would from time to time send little tidbits and trinkets just to make our days a bit brighter and happier. I'm not talking about spending a load of money on this folks. Could be a knick knack or something from around the house or just something you see at the dollar store that you think your secret pal would like and putting it in the mail from time to time.

Anyone out there be intrested in doing this? if you are please let me know on comment or even better on e-mail >>>>>>>>over there people the link that says e-mail me...sheesh... :-)
If anyone or enough people are intrested let me know and I'll try to orginize something.

Just my way of trying to create a bit of happiness for my whole blogging family. Also send anyone that may not visit this site over for the idea..the more the merrier.
Let me know what you all think

Happy Monday

Friday, March 04, 2005

remind me to stop bitching about the dogs

after reading this I guess the mutt heads aren't to bad
Remind me to cancel the order at the pet store I have for a Chimpanzee

What the.......

holy jumped up hell is going on.
I'm tooddling down the road this morning thinking I need to put some gas into the guzzling beastie I drive only to find that overnight the gas prices jumped from 1.71 a gallon up to 1.85 a gallon. What the fuck happened overnight. Did the oil wells all get blown up. Are we going to see the gas shortage lines beginning like in the 80's. Holy shit.
Not only did the gas prices jump but blogger is ramming it up my butt. It will only let me comment on certain blogs. Poor Burfica thinks I don't like her anymore cuz I haven't commented on hers but grrrrrrrrr I can't open a comment window. So I'm really thinking the forces of nature are conspiring against me. But what's 2005 has pretty much sucked belly button lint thus far.
If you can't tell I think I'm gettting to the end of the ole' proverbial rope. But I have a feeling I better tie a big knot in that rope and just hang the hell on. I have a feeling it's gonna get much worse before it gets better.
Okay on the mom front. She's gotten rather confussed the last couple of days. Last night she seen fit to crawl outta bed and stand in the middle of the floor, not knowing where she was. That alone is enough to make me and her nurses fall over that she was able to stand under her own power. Luckily they found her quickly as she wasn't going to be standing for long and would have fallen. Then they would have had to bring in the cherry picker thing to pick her up. Dudes..I have to get photos of this and post it. It's this sling thing, since my mom isn't a small lady they can't move her with just people so they put this harness under her butt and back and use this contraption to lift her up in the air. It just to much reminds me of a cherry picker lifting an engine from a car. The house elf finds it great fun to swing mom back and forth while she's suspended in the air. She is gonna kick his ass one of these days.

Okay since I don't want to start this in to a poor poor pitiful me post since I seem to have caught the flu, and the stress is building. I think I will go do my wonderful cocktail of booze and drugs and go to sleep.

Happy Friday all

What the.......

holy jumped up hell is going on.
I'm tooddling down the road this morning thinking I need to put some gas into the guzzling beastie I drive only to find that overnight the gas prices jumped from 1.71 a gallon up to 1.85 a gallon. What the fuck happened overnight. Did the oil wells all get blown up. Are we going to see the gas shortage lines beginning like in the 80's. Holy shit.
Not only did the gas prices jump but blogger is ramming it up my butt. It will only let me comment on certain blogs. Poor Burfica thinks I don't like her anymore cuz I haven't commented on hers but grrrrrrrrr I can't open a comment window. So I'm really thinking the forces of nature are conspiring against me. But what's 2005 has pretty much sucked belly button lint thus far.
If you can't tell I think I'm gettting to the end of the ole' proverbial rope. But I have a feeling I better tie a big knot in that rope and just hang the hell on. I have a feeling it's gonna get much worse before it gets better.
Okay on the mom front. She's gotten rather confussed the last couple of days. Last night she seen fit to crawl outta bed and stand in the middle of the floor, not knowing where she was. That alone is enough to make me and her nurses fall over that she was able to stand under her own power. Luckily they found her quickly as she wasn't going to be standing for long and would have fallen. Then they would have had to bring in the cherry picker thing to pick her up. Dudes..I have to get photos of this and post it. It's this sling thing, since my mom isn't a small lady they can't move her with just people so they put this harness under her butt and back and use this contraption to lift her up in the air. It just to much reminds me of a cherry picker lifting an engine from a car. The house elf finds it great fun to swing mom back and forth while she's suspended in the air. She is gonna kick his ass one of these days.

Okay since I don't want to start this in to a poor poor pitiful me post since I seem to have caught the flu, and the stress is building. I think I will go do my wonderful cocktail of booze and drugs and go to sleep.

Happy Friday all

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Still don't know what day it is

.....I think it's Thursday, but who the hell knows. I'm pretty sure it's Thursday cuz I saw an add for survivor...**hangs head** I can't help it I'm a Surivor junkie...I can't seem to rip myself away from the TV when it's on. And if I'm not going to be home I have to set up the PVR to record it for later watching. This is much to the dismay of my husband who HATES all reality shows. He just tosses his hands up in the air and beats his head into a wall when I'm glued to the TV. At least it's his head that he's beating into a wall as that seems to be a non vital organ on him. :-)
So what is it about this particular reality show that has me so entralled. I don't watch other reality shows...well other than the one that was on MTV called it's a Mad Mad World or something like that. That one was okay but it could have been so much more..but the vampire was kinda cute..but alas I digress. Anyway when Surivor comes on it's like a frigging train wreck I glue my ass to the chair staring at the TV with a line of spittle dripping down my chin, getting very involved with the lives of the people, getting pissed and excited as they plot and scheme and get voted off. I'm a mess people and I really think I need some professional help.

On a serious note folks. Those of you with kids or with older parents, if you all haven't gotten things like a medical diretive, trust funds for property and assets done now. DO it. Do it with your parents, do it for your children. Burfica and I are going to lose everything of mom's most likely because all of this wasn't taken care of several years ago and if we try to keep anything it will most likely disqualify mom for medicaid in Texas. I've been on the phone with lawyers for days now and have to gather a bunch of paperwork and then try to get one of them to accept the case and we are going to have to sue to get her on medicaid and to try to keep her small piece of property for Burfica to have. IT's a frigging mess and I advise all of my friends take care of this now or you will be Fucked in the future.

Also thank you for everyone that wants to send mom cards and things. I was going to post the address here but there are so many creeps that prowl the blog sites as we can tell by the mean responses we get from time to time that I didn't want some creepo sending something to her addy then I'd have to hunt the bastard down and use deadly force upon their beings which believe me I have no problem what-so-ever doing to someone that would send something inappropriate to someone in a nursing home. So anyone that would like to send her a card or anything please use the e-mail me link over there >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> see it..just click and it'll do most of the work for you and I'll privatly e-mail you mom's addy, and mine and my number if you all want to worship me in real life..(hint hint AZA...hehehehe)
Just kidding about the worshiping unless you like doing that. Cuz I like it.
Okay I'm digressing again. Just e-mail me and I will send you her addy.
I'll try to find something funny to post about's a bit busy at the shop today, and mom hasn't fallen out of bed again sooooo...

Also I'm really really trying to find a good home for my mom's two dogs. They are cute and loveable and I want to keep them but I can't keep 8 animals at my home. If anyone is intrested I'd love to interview you for a possible new mommy for the puppies.
:-) I don't expect any responses but who knows...I've been wrong before.
again use the e-mail me link over there>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if you want a couple cute little doggies.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

What Friggin' Day is it

.......can anyone tell me what day it is. It's like the last month and a half is all run together into a big bundle. Holy Moly batman.
What can I say to you all but thank you thank you and thank you again. It's been such a joy knowing that so many people out there care about someone they have never met in real life. But hey I'm just so damn loveable how can you not want to drop to your knees in total adoration. hehehehehe (Damn I'm that good looking and humble too)

Soooooo...last night we got mom moved to the nursing home under the hospice care. I've signed so damn much paper work that I have probably signed over my husband, my sisters child and every asset we have, cuz I don't even know what I'm signing anymore I guess time will tell if they come to collect the kiddo from my sisters house.
Then I get a call from the nursing home this morning, apparently mom was so happy in her new bed, (the one at the hospital sucked really really big time) that she was rolling around in comfortable bliss and rolled her ass right out onto the floor. She didn't get hurt and the nurses said they thought she was going to pass out cuz she was laughing so hard about it saying don't tell my daughters I'll never live it down. Of course legally they had to tell me about it, so what the hell I figured I'd share with all my blogging buddies. Only someone in my family can roll out of a bed, in a nursing home, that has safety rails, and think it's funny.
They have her butt parked up along side of the wall until the hospice people can bring in a new bed. I guess this one is listing to one side and that is what got her momentium going toward the floor.

I want to thank Miss Chicken Flicken and Mom that's Nuts for the cards they mailed to mom, it really meant alot to her and to me as well. Thank you so much for your caring and compassion.

Okay everyone I'm going to actually try to catch up on some things like paper work. Got to talk to lawyers, and utilities and try to see what the people covering at the scuba shop did wrong and fix it.
If anyone would like to come live with me for a couple months and help, I have a spare bedroom, satalite TV, high speed cable drops...hellooooo anyone there....

Happy whatever day this is today